Staking $FXG

The FXGuys staking mechanism is a self-sustaining ecosystem that can generate all the resources required to maintain the FXG token indefinitely.

We think it's important to thank and reward our passionate supporters with choice, flexibility and longterm passive income.

Token holders typically keep their tokens in their wallets in the expectation that the tokens would increase in value over time. If the token provides a utility, then the holders may choose to use it; but, during this time period, token holders typically do not gain anything.

FXG is unique in that it gives holders the flexibility to participate in a self-sustaining token ecosystem based on their requirements and preferences.

  • Traders create trading volume and earn FXG tokens as they trade (Trade2Earn)

  • Token holders can lock their tokens to gain access to trading volume profit share

  • Exchange their tokens to pay for trading challenges for a chance to manage a funded account worth up to $500,000

  • Sell their tokens for higher economic value

This choice is critical to maintaining the current cycle, as stakers will receive up to 20% of annual profit from trading volume, which will be divided based on their percentage of the entire staking pool. This ensures a consistent supply of tokens in the ecosystem for trading rewards, staking for profit sharing, and paying for challenges.

FXGuys staking serves not only to promote token stability and community loyalty, but it also allows stakeholders to support and participate in the ecosystem in their own unique way.

Last updated